Java Date Class

Compare two Java Date objects using after method example

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  • It would be nice to show a 10ms time difference between two Date objects using Date.toString(), which the example implicitly calls. Unfortunately Date.toString() truncates the fractional seconds. Here is a short little method I cooked up that takes a Date object and returns the String object identical to Date.toString(), but with the seconds displayed with millisecond precision:

    private String showDateWithMillis(Date date) {
    String str = date.toString();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
    int millis = (int)(date.getTime()%1000);
    str = Integer.toString(millis);
    str = (str.length()<3 ? “0” : “”) + str; // 0 pad cases of 1 or 2 digits
    str = (str.length()<3 ? “0” : “”) + str;
    return sb.insert(19, “.” + str).toString();

    Edit the two lines that do the console output:

    System.out.println(“First Date : ” + showDateWithMillis(d1));
    System.out.println(“Second Date : ” + showDateWithMillis(d2));

    Console output will now look something like this:

    First Date : Thu Sep 06 17:36:36.861 CDT 2012
    Second Date : Thu Sep 06 17:36:36.871 CDT 2012
    Is second date after first ? : true


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